onsdag 30. september 2009

Carma Textil event in Grunerløkka, Oslo - October 2. - 4. 2009






Over the past decade the rise of information about the benefits of organic food has driven a lot of people to buying organic products for their homes. It is no surprise to know that farmers who also dedicate themselves to crops other than food are taking the effects of organic farming very seriously as well. It is reported that cotton crops are the 2nd largest user of agricultural pesticides in the world. Only second to coffee internationally and to corn here in the United States. This means that 25% of the world's insecticides and 10% of the world's pesticides are dedicated to cotton. Even scarier than this is the fact that at least four of the top nine pesticides used in treating this cotton is considered by the EPA to be highly carcinogenic. These are cyanide, dicofol, naled and propargite. The problem is that when the crops are sprayed it is estimated that only 25% of those chemicals actually get absorbed into the plant. The rest is drifting up to miles and settling on crops that we eat and into water that is a drinking source for humans and animals. On top of this, there is also the problem that in time the insects that these chemicals are supposed to repel are becoming immuned to these synthetics. This requires that more be dumped onto the plant in attempt to produce the highest yield possible. So, ironically all of these chemicals are doing nothing more that contaminating the human food chain and the wildlife that is ingesting them. Organic cotton is grown on land that is certified to be free from any pesticide, insecticide and defoliants for at least three years. The farmers maintain their crops using time-old methods of crop rotation, cover crops, beneficial insects and human labor (not to mention organic fertilizers) to care for their plants. This not only assures them safer working conditions but also safer products for those who enjoy them. The solution to the problems conventional cotton farming presents is to support organic practices. For the benefit of the workers. For the benefit for our environment. For the benefit of yourself and your family. I once read that, "you should never put anything on your skin that you would not put in your mouth," with all of these unsettling facts about toxic chemicals, I can definetely see where this person was coming from. e knew. The more we support these farmers by spending money on organically grown cotton, the lower the prices will get and the smaller the human foot print will be on the Earth.


tirsdag 29. september 2009

Autum collection at Carma Shop in Grunerløkka, Oslo.


It was fun to see the autum collection at Carma Shop today. Amazing specter of colors and great styles makes this Eco-friendly shop worth a visit.
Shop til you drop!! :-)

søndag 27. september 2009

Back in Norway celebrating my kids birthday, September 26. 2009


It's 4 generations in this picture; my grandma (91) to the left beside my loving mom, and my younger sister together with her two kids to the right.

I'm a proud mom, here together with my 3 kids

My dear father and I

Alex & Ane


My last day in Chennai, South India

My last day in Chennai for this time; Thank you for everything my dear friends, see you again soon!

Good bye lunch at the pool with the Carma Team:

Linda and Schweetlau in the pool

I was teaching Kayal to swim, and she made it just in time before I had to leave for Norway!! Kayal YOU DID IT!! Great work!! :-)

A prayer for me, for a safe journey back home to Norway:

tirsdag 22. september 2009

Visit to the Old Shiva Temple in Chennai, Tamil Nado


They says that you will find all the Gods shaped onto this roof entrance, not only Hindu Gods but also all the other enlighten once, like Jesus and Buddha.

Shiva (as is the temple name) is the destoying God (Hindu says he destroy all evil). I think it means that he transformed the less enlightend people by teaching them a higer understanding of life. I think he was a teacher, a transformer more then a destroyer. I think he destroyed the evil mind or thoughts so that people could start living from their pure heart and use love as the only weapon.

"Evil is the negation of what is and has no true essence. What we call evil originates in the imperfect understanding of our divinity" ~~ Plato

Shiva and his wife Parvati. My name Himani also means Parvati.

The sweetest little "Buddha" I've ever seen! He or she is probably born into Hindu and will grow up believing in Hindu but to me he/she looked like the Golden Child, so pure and so innocent! :-)


mandag 21. september 2009

Carma Garments support a shelter for elderly and orphans children in Chennai, South India

Today was a goverment holiday in India and we decided to visit Anbu Karangal, a shelter for elderly and orphan children which Carma Garments regularly are supporting. At this time the youngest child is about 4 year old. Carma Garments have plans to do a project with Anbu Karangal shelter and the kids living there in the near furture.

Das from Carma Garments together with some of the boys from the shelter.

The staff at Anbu Karangal are all volunteers.

After dinner the kids played and sang for us