tirsdag 22. september 2009

Visit to the Old Shiva Temple in Chennai, Tamil Nado


They says that you will find all the Gods shaped onto this roof entrance, not only Hindu Gods but also all the other enlighten once, like Jesus and Buddha.

Shiva (as is the temple name) is the destoying God (Hindu says he destroy all evil). I think it means that he transformed the less enlightend people by teaching them a higer understanding of life. I think he was a teacher, a transformer more then a destroyer. I think he destroyed the evil mind or thoughts so that people could start living from their pure heart and use love as the only weapon.

"Evil is the negation of what is and has no true essence. What we call evil originates in the imperfect understanding of our divinity" ~~ Plato

Shiva and his wife Parvati. My name Himani also means Parvati.

The sweetest little "Buddha" I've ever seen! He or she is probably born into Hindu and will grow up believing in Hindu but to me he/she looked like the Golden Child, so pure and so innocent! :-)


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