lørdag 22. august 2009

Delhi, India - August 22. 2009

Today the heat really hit me, yesterday it was raining twise which cleard the air a little bit, but today it's been sunny all day, very nice but very hot and dusty. Linda and I have been running around doing purcases from 10am - 10pm,... it must have been a good day since neither of us have been thinking about the time once. If am tired? No not really, Here are some pictures from our day in Delhi:

I met a sick baby with her mom in line to get medicine today, the sweetest little girl. The hardest thing down here is to see all the suffering children, this little girl was one of the lucky children who has someone to care for her.

Linda in action, make a choice!

Handwash after a visit at one of the merchandisers,
all the stuff was full of dust from the streets.

An older man reparing a old typing machine,
I didn't know those existed anymore

Working guys outside in the heat, I thought of how lucky we are to be
working indoors with aircondition, at least it was some shops which had that.

I wonder for how long he can hold this?

A "shitty" line of work, but the guy was happy!
What do we have to complain about?

Public toilett, it's just a hole in the ground, this toilett is one of the cleanest one.

The Delhi electrisity, no wonder the power goes on and off :-))

The guys who sells local food nearby our hotell,
I haven't tried it and I don't dear to!

- but we had this indian food today, spicy & good!! :-)

Delhi traffic

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